
From the mid-16th century to the 18th century, there lived in Europe three swordsmen whose skills were legendary. What makes these men remarkable is that their skill at dueling was the only commonality these men shared. They were each incredibly different in their temperaments, skills, and chosen paths in life.
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One of the most famous leaders of all time, Genghis Khan led the Mongols on a conquest that would eventually form the largest contiguous empire in human history.  All was not power and roses however, as he came from quite humble beginnings.
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Zordun charged across the open plains on his horse.  As he did so, he heard the soft whisper of hundreds of arrows whistling through the air above him.  Sending up a silent prayer of thanks for his swift ride, he slowed his horse slightly and raised his Scimitar, primed for battle...
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The original story of Mulan is short, only a few hundred characters. But the story contained inside is unique and powerful, especially for the time period in which it was written. Set in the first half of the first millennium, it chronicles the story of a girl who takes her father’s place and joins the army...
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