
Japanese sword traditions are unique in comparison to their European counterparts in that they have remained in practice since they were originally devised. While these traditions have changed over time, they remain close to what would have been practiced by the Samurai...
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Johnny walked into the sword shop.  Inside, there were swords from all eras adorning the walls.  To his left, he could see swords from Europe, and to his right swords from China and Japan.  At the back of the shop was the shopkeeper who looked up as the bell jingled. As Johnny approached the shopkeeper, he couldn’t help exclaiming to himself, “Ah, but which should I choose?” "That’s a great question, son,” said the shopkeeper, who had obviously overheard Johnny’s not-quite whisper. “To know that, you’ll need to know about the history of these fine weapons..."
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As Himari and her brother perused the different Tantos available, she turned to her brother and noted how there didn’t seem to be any that matched the quality of their grandfather’s blade.  Overhearing her comment, the shopkeeper said “You’re right, these blades aren’t the same quality they used to be…”
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These 10 swords from the ancient world are all remarkable. Some for their remarkable state of preservation, others for being found where they shouldn't have been, most for the legends surrounding them, and a few for their purported magical powers.
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The samurai were a warrior class of Japan, who rose to power and eventual control of 12th-century Japan.

The photos below were taken during the final years of the Samurai and were colourised in order to truly show what it would have been like seeing Samurai walking down the street.

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